BSALT exists for the sole purpose of providing facts, focus, and fervent soul-winning help to reach the most needed counties in the United States. BSALT believes it is the responsibility of every church and every born again believer to share the Gospel.

The Facts

BSALT has spent months of research and analysis to map Independent, fundamental, non-Calvinist, King James only, Baptist churches by county. Then a selected group of pastors, church planters, evangelists and others that have a track record of a burden and activity for reaching the United States prayerfully and carefully reviewed the data and selected the top 100 counties in the United States that need the Gospel and churches. The influence of independent, fundamental Baptists in the United States is diminishing. There are 932 counties that do not have a solid, independent Baptist Church and 99 counties that need over 50 churches in each county today, to effectively get the Gospel to the multitudes. Please visit the Top 100 counties or the State maps to get the details of the greatest needs.

The Focus

BSALT is a soul-winning ministry that believes the only hope for America is the Gospel of the Lord Jesus Christ. BSALT assists churches and church planters to invite thousands of people to visit church and invite them to know the Lord Jesus Christ as Savior with an organized effort called “Operations”, assist in soul-winner training, and other tools, to better equip Believers in sharing the Gospel. The results have been overwhelming; hundreds of people have called on the Lord for salvation, many have been baptized and become actively involved in attending the local church.

Fervent Soulwinning Effort

BSALT works with the Church planter or pastor over several weeks to provide training, and other tools to educate and train Believers in your church, and goes to work to plan and organize an “Operation” for the Church planter or pastor. An “Operation” is a means of inviting 1,000, 2,500, 5,000, or 10,000 people to visit the church and most importantly, know the Lord Jesus Christ as Saviour. Upon completion of the “Operation” the church will have effectively witnessed to a community, met many in the community and have had visitors, prospects and hopefully souls saved.

Partner with BSALT today and let’s help your church family become better soul-winners and reach your community with the Gospel.